A voz-práxis literária indígena brasileira contemporânea: reflexos de um pensamento filosófico autêntico e decolonial

dc.contributor.authorValim, Ricardo
dc.contributor.authorDanner, Leno Francisco
dc.descriptionTrabalho submetido, aprovado e apresentado no III Congresso Internacional Transdisciplinar e III Congresso Interligas do IESVAP em 2022,. O trabalho apresentado na modalidade oral, área I - Trabalhos Transdisciplinares e outros ficou classificado em 3º Lugar e recebeu menção honrosa no evento III Congresso Internacional Transdisciplinar & III Congresso Interligas do IESVAP realizado on-line no período de 01o a 03 de dezembro de 2022 pela Faculdade de Ciências Humanas, Exatas e da Saúde do Piauí/Instituto de Educação Superior do Vale do Parnaíba (FAHESP/IESVAP).
dc.description.abstractA voz-práxis literária indígena brasileira contemporânea é marcadamente atuante em defesa dos interesses, tradições, línguas e culturas dos povos originários. Essa voz vem ganhando espaços e fomentando laços a partir do entendimento de que para haver mudança é preciso que haja uma comunicação efetiva e afetiva na busca pelo respeito à dignidade intrínseca do ser indígena. Elementos presentes como a poética indígena, por exemplo, com sua transcendência de valores, sua crítica social contundente e indômita, com suas imagens, cores, sons e harmonia com o cosmos revelam a todos as epistemologias outras que destoam do pensamento moderno eurocêntrico, provinciano com pretensões de universalidade. Objetiva-se nesta pesquisa um entendimento sobre este aspecto reflexivo e autêntico de pensar a realidade através da literatura que tem oportunizado um descentramento filosófico, epistêmico e normativo buscando levar ao fim o império hegemônico cognitivo da modernidade. Conclui-se após este percurso decolonial por outros saberes que a produção epistêmica indígena brasileira permite a sobrevivência das culturas originárias com a literatura, arte e de tantas outras formas de manifestações possíveis.
dc.description.abstract2The contemporary Brazilian indigenous literary voice-praxis is markedly active in defense of the interests, traditions, languages and cultures of the native peoples. This voice has been gaining space and fostering bonds based on the understanding that in order for there to be change, there needs to be effective and affective communication in the search for respect for the intrinsic dignity of the indigenous being. Elements present such as poetics Indigenous, for example, with its transcendence of values, its forceful and indomitable social critique, with its images, colors, sounds and harmony with the cosmos, reveal to everyone the other epistemologies that clash with modern Eurocentric, provincial thought with pretensions of universality. Objective: The objective of this research is to understand this reflexive and authentic aspect of thinking about the reality through literature that has provided an opportunity for a philosophical, epistemic and normative decentralization seeking to bring to an end the hegemonic cognitive empire of modernity. Methodology: This work is based on the reading and analysis of the works of contemporary Brazilian indigenous authors such as: Ailton Krenak (2018); Daniel Munduruku (2016); Davi Kopenawa (2015); Kaká Werá Jecupé (2017), as well asRelying on the study of texts produced by academic researchers such as: Leno Francisco Danner (2020) and the work of Boaventura de Souza Santos (2019), therefore, it is a theoretical-academic study. Results and Discussion: When an analysis is made to situate the research in relation to the state of the art, it is possible to notice a fervent and substantial growth of the contemporary Brazilian indigenous bibliographic-intellectual production. Prolific authors and academics such as those already mentioned above are emerging as great names in intellectual literary production. This is because through their works they demonstrate the authenticity, timeliness, pertinence, depth, beauty and philosophical richness of these ancestral traditions for society in general and also for philosophy as such. Conclusion: After this decolonial journey through other knowledges, it is concluded that the Brazilian indigenous epistemic production It allows the survival of the original cultures with literature, art and so many other possible forms of manifestations. The influence of this thought can be seen both in the academic sphere and also in the informality of popular knowledge. The contradiction of a Eurocentric-universalist thought that denies other forms of knowledge is evident.to determine that they do not have rational elements for the construction of knowledge legitimized by Western reason. The reality is different, because the more contact we have with the original cultures, the more connection there will be with our true essence. An essence that leads to the bosom of nature in which there are no privileges and dissociations, but collectivity with nature, with other beings, an expression of the search for good living in deep harmony with the surrounding cosmos and with humanity.
dc.identifier.citationVALIM, Ricardo; DANNER, Leno. A voz-práxis literária indígena brasileira contemporânea: reflexos de um pensamento filosófico autêntico e decolonial. In Anais da Revista Inovale - III Congresso Internacional Transdisciplinar e III Congresso Interligas do IESVAP. 2022. p.15, Disponivel em: https://www.iesvap.edu.br/sites/revista-inovale.
dc.publisher.campiCampus Porto Velho Calama
dc.titleA voz-práxis literária indígena brasileira contemporânea: reflexos de um pensamento filosófico autêntico e decolonial
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