A queda do céu de Davi kopenawa: descentramento literário, epistêmico, ético, político e religioso

dc.contributor.authorValim, Ricardo
dc.contributor.authorTelles, Lívia Catarina Matoso dos Santos
dc.contributor.authorDanner, Leno Francisco Danner
dc.descriptionO trabalho intitulado “A queda do céu de davi kopenawa: descentramento literário, epistêmico, ético, político e religioso”, de autoria de Lívia Catarina Matoso dos Santos Telles e Ricardo Valim foi aprovado e apresentado na modalidade Resumo Expandido, no evento VIII Simpósio Luso-brasileiro de Estudos de Religião - Religião e Política: Territórios e Fronteiras do Domínio Religioso a ser realizado 13/04/2023.
dc.description.abstractO presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o papel desempenhado pela poética na literatura indígena brasileira contemporânea especialmente na obra A Queda do Céu - Palavras de um Xamã Yanomami de Davi Kopenawa e Bruce Albert, como forma de identificar fatores que asseguram e legitimam a resistência às mudanças nocivas para os povos originários bem como a perpetuação de suas epistemologias. A análise desta obra é importante também pelo fato de possibilitar ao leitor o contato com uma espiritualidade ancestral e suas raizes espirituais que além de promover uma experiência com o sagrado autêntico e original permite também a absorção de novos valores. Nota-se nos escritos dos autores indígenas brasileiros contemporâneos, como é o caso de Davi Kopenawa, a sempre presente passagem da sabedoria ancestral proveniente de tempos imemoriais que comunica uma harmonia cósmica da criação em estreita conexão com a apropriação da língua oficial escrita. É preciso destacar ainda que o presente trabalho é componente dos estudos realizados até o presente momento em minha pesquisa sobre filosofia indígena com o tema “Ontologia e Ética no Pensamento Indígena Brasileiro: Análise das Ontologias Tupi-Guarani e Yanomami” no Mestrado Acadêmico em Filosofia, na Linha de Pesquisa em Ética e Filosofia Política Contemporânea da Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia/UNIR e devidamente institucionalizado junto ao Departamento de Pesquisa, Inovação e Pós-Graduação (DEPESP) do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Rondônia - IFRO Câmpus Porto Velho Calama - conforme a homologação 4 do Edital Nº 02/2022/PVCAL - CGAB/IFRO, de 12 de Janeiro de 2022 - edital este de seleção, sem concessão de recursos financeiros e bolsas, destinado à institucionalização de projetos de pesquisa de demanda espontânea, de mestrado, doutorado e projetos aprovados em editais externos com recurso de agências de fomento.
dc.description.abstract2The present work aimed to analyze the role played by poetics in contemporary Brazilian indigenous literature, especially in the work A Queda do Céu - Palavras de um Shaman Yanomami by Davi Kopenawa and Bruce Albert, as a way to identify factors that ensure and legitimize the resistance to harmful changes for native peoples, as well as the perpetuation of their epistemologies.The analysis of this work is also important because it allows the reader to get in touch with an ancestral spirituality and its spiritual roots, which in addition to promoting an experience with the sacred, authentic and original, also allows the absorption of new values.In the writings of contemporary Brazilian indigenous authors, such as Davi Kopenawa, one can see the ever-present passage of ancestral wisdom from time immemorial that communicates a cosmic harmony of creation in close connection with the appropriation of the official written language. This transition from the spoken word to the written word has repercussions on the possibility of sharing worldviews and transferring values beyond their own epistemic and poetic boundariesfavoring the diffusion and fixation of knowledge through writing. The transcription of these teachings into the Westernized language reveals a writing marked by authorial voice-praxis, which is essentially committed to reality in a militant perspective and with an active political voice in defense of the culture of the native peoples and the protection of nature.In the case of Davi Kopenawa, his textual production is marked not only by the latent spirituality of his culture, his political engagement, but there are also the marks of an ethical commitment to life in all its extension. Differently from the split operated by modernity between human beings and nature, Davi Kopenawa's textual production draws attention to the aspect of close union between human beings and the other realities present in the cosmic environment in which they are inserted.The Fall of the Sky, more than a literary production, is the source from which springs the possibility of a philosophical reflection through an authentic epistemic decentralization that claims for itself autonomy and protagonism as a voice-praxis. To think about indigenous philosophy in this context is to think from the point of view of one's own conceptualizations present in the narratives produced by indigenous authors, as is the case of Davi Kopenawa.The phenomenon of these voices of ancestry has awakened resonances in various fields of knowledge, especially in education and philosophy, because it is precisely the guiding thread that refers to a search for wisdom that differs from the consecrated Western methodical model. This work is methodologically anchored in the reading and analysis of Davi Kopenawa's (2015) work The Fall of the Sky - Words of a Yanomami Shaman. It is concluded that these teachings present in the dialectic of the oral tradition of indigenous peoples, and here the Yanomami people are highlighted, now find fertile space for their strengthening, updating and perpetuation of their production of knowledge through a poetics that goes beyond the lines and leads to a decolonizing social engagement aiming at social transformations in favor of the original peoples and their subsistence.A reality that transcends mere social criticism but allows a deepening of indigenous issues and even the understanding of ethical, political and religious aspects in contemporary times is made explicit. This is fundamental to broaden the perception for the recognition of other knowledges and ways of understanding the world from other epistemologies that escape the standards dictated by modernity and its scientific methods.It should also be noted that the present work is a component of the studies carried out so far in my research on indigenous philosophy with the theme "Ontology and Ethics in Brazilian Indigenous Thought: Analysis of Tupi-Guarani and Yanomami Ontologies" in the Academic Master's Degree in Philosophy, in the Research Line in Ethics and Contemporary Political Philosophy of the Federal University of Rondônia Foundation/UNIRand duly institutionalized with the Department of Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies (DEPESP) of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rondônia - IFRO Campus Porto Velho Calama - according to approval 4 of Notice No. 02/2022/PVCAL - CGAB/IFRO, of January 12, 2022 -- This selection notice, without granting financial resources and scholarships, intended for the institutionalization of research projects of spontaneous demand, master's and doctoral degrees and projects approved in external notices with the resources of funding agencies.
dc.identifier.citationVALIM, R; TELLES, L. C. M; DANNER, L. F. A queda do céu de Davi kopenawa: descentramento literário, epistêmico, ético, político e religioso. 2023. In VIII Simpósio Luso-brasileiro de Estudos de Religião - Religião e Política: Territórios e Fronteiras do Domínio Religioso. PUC-SP, 2023.
dc.publisher.campiCampus Porto Velho Calama
dc.subjectEpistemología Indígena
dc.subjectLiteratura Poética
dc.subject.keywordIndigenous Epistemology
dc.subject.keywordPoetic Literature
dc.titleA queda do céu de Davi kopenawa: descentramento literário, epistêmico, ético, político e religioso
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