Franzin, Sergio Francisco LossAlmeida, Fabrício Moraes deNogueira, Laura Borges2023-05-182023-05-182018FRANZIN, Sergio Francisco Loss; ALMEIDA, Fabrício Moraes de; NOGUEIRA, Laura Borges. Two Decades of Developmentalism: Bottlenecks and Plans of State Intervention in Brazil in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. [Vol-5, Issue-3, Mar- 2018] , p. 58-66.2349-6495 work takes as its theme public policies on development. It aims an overall analysis of the most urgent issues of political and economic plans launched in Brazil in the second half of the twentieth century. Specifically, the intention is to discuss the establishment of government policies in combating bottlenecks in the national economy through the Plans. This is an article based on concepts of development and the major general lines of the development plans in this country. Kon’s works (1999) are the fundamental theoretical basis. We notice that Brazil experienced two very different decades, the 1970s and 1980s: the first focused investment for economic growth; the second, turned to fighting inflation. Because of discourses and appointed limits, developmentalism occurred, but no development in the strict sense. Between public debt and inflation addiction, which were parallel in the two mentioned decades, (still) rests the same issue in the country: What is development? What is the country’s development?enDevelopmentBottlenecksStatePlanningTwo decades of developmentalism: bottlenecks and plans of State intervention in Brazil in the second half of the Twentieth CenturyArticle