Jesus, Sérgio Nunes deFerrarezi Junior, CelsoDamasceno, Ana Christina de Sousa2024-09-102024-09-102024JESUS, Sérgio Nunes de; FERRAREZI JUNIOR, Celso; DAMASCENO, Ana Christina de Sousa. The construction of the occurrence report from the perspective of the philosophy of language: the question of subjectivity. Arts, Linguistics, Literature and Language Research Journal, Ponta Grossa, PR. v. 4, n. 1, 2024.2764-1929 científico submetido, aprovado e publicado na Revista Arts, Linguistics, Literature and Language Research Journal.en-USThe construction of the occurrence report from the perspective of the philosophy of language: the question of subjectivityArticleLanguage and DiscoursePolice reportsSubjectivityBakhtin CirclePhilosophy of Language